Allow me to introduce the New “It” Vegan handbag, Alexandra K!
Alexandra K handbags and accessories are 100% vegan, organic, and cruelty free. All of the purses including the 1.5 Blackberry Gold (which we have featured this month as Florum’s Bag of the Month) are handmade in Poland from high quality materials.
Alexandra K is PETA certified (which guarantees reliable suppliers and materials) and was the winner of the PETA Fashion Award for best Women’s Handbag Design in Germany in 2014, Alexandra K is proof to any fashionista that vegan products can be fashionable, unique and of high quality. This bag is unique in both quality and appeal, it was quiet the surprise to many on our team that the back was not real leather, the quality is unparalleled.
Every purse, tote, and cross body is one of a kind and has a unique serial number. And to top of the high quality organic and vegan bag, each purse has a a pocket system that facilitates the organization of space inside each handbag. The 1.5 has 7 pockets and also allows for the sides to be zipped up if you want a bit smaller of a handbag.
As the environmental awareness of Alexandra K continues, you needn’t fret about harmful packaging materials such as Styrofoam, instead you can expect for your handbags to be delivered in eco and recycled packages. They really do make every aspect of the product “Green,” from production, to materials, to the delivery to the store (If you live in Toronto be sure to check out the AllTrueist boutique) or delivery to your home.
Now, to what I personally love about this bag, besides from being vegan and cruelty free, is just how big it is, its amazing how everything you need in a day, can fit into this tote! From a pocket for ipads, to even a small computer. I used this purse throughout Fashion Week this September in New York and couldn’t have been happier! I was thrilled that
You can purchase the handbags in Europe and most of the world at and in North America at the amazing Eco Boutique