For almost 11 years now I have been living on my own as an adult and buying toilet paper that is made from recycled post consumer paper. I figure that if I am wiping sh*t from my booty there is no valid reason to cut down trees for this daily act. And come on, there really is no reason for anyone to be cutting down trees and clear cutting ancient forests when our environment is already in such peril. For too many years I have heard from friends and family, that the ‘recycled toilet paper’ just isn’t soft enough for them, but I am here today and I am here to call bullsh*t.
Its simple if you are wiping your ass, you don’t need satin virgin paper to do so. And come on, if you really try and check out a few brands you’re guaranteed to find one that actually works and doesn’t bug your pretentious ass (yes I am being blunt and I just said that!) because if you think about more than yourself and take a moment to think of the planet as a whole, you’ll come to realize that it really is one of the most pretentious and entitled habits that contributes to pollution daily by wiping your booty with virgin paper that mostly comes from ancient forests like the Canadian boreal forest.
“Most Americans probably do not know that the toilet paper they flush away comes from ancient forests, but clear-cutting those forests is costing the planet a great deal. Maintaining the Canadian boreal forest is vital to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change”
Brands to try
After 11 years of being ‘toilet paper conscious’ I have tried many brands and wanted to share a few of my favorites, which I will start out with the toilet paper that I have on auto delivery every other month via amazon from the brand Seventh Generation.
“If every household in the U.S. replaced one 24-pack of 240 virgin fiber bathroom tissue with this product, we could: Help save over 4,900,000 trees
You might be wondering if ordering online and having a monthly delivery service from amazon is sustainable, however I have all my household items that are both sustainable and ethical auto delivered with my toilet paper. This helps me keep my cost down on monthly household items, that are all ethical and sustainable products. Because lets face it, right now being conscious of your impact on the environment is not easy and seems to often mean buying the more expensive product at the store. My one suggestion is that when you do order online to be sure to order in bulk, if you think its too much just change your auto delivery to every other month.
A few other sustainable alternatives for toilet paper to try…
Want to learn more?
Open your eyes and ears and listen to the Issue with Tissue from the NRDC on SoundCloud below
Still feeling inspired to save more trees?
Check out my previous article on changing your search engine to EcoSia HERE
xoxo Noelle Lynne
Creator of Florum
Disclosure: This is a post which includes affiliate links. As always Florum Fashion Magazine is proud to share with you because, sponsored or not, we only share stuff we love & stand behind. We NEVER feature a product that doesn't fit into our own sustainable, ethical and environmental standards.