feat NOELLE LYNNE photographer JOY STROTZ makeup & hair KRISTINA MCKEEGAN dress HOT AS HELL
January 1, 2017
Personally I couldn’t be happier that a New Year has come upon us. I wouldn’t mind forgetting about the results of the American 2016 election with Trump winning president elect (even though January only means the start to a 4 year roller coaster ride in American and world politics). Or forgetting the division I witnessed firsthand in London over the Brexit. 2016 has been one full of some of the worst tragedy that I have ever seen in my lifetime, with the civil war in Syria only continuing to worsen, and the helpless victims of Aleppo writing their final pleas or last words to their loved ones on social media. I found 2016 to be one full of frustration and tears, so I only hope that we can all come together in order to move forward and become the change that many of us have been fighting for.
My biggest fears of the election results in my home the United States is the environmental toll that Trump will cause Mother Earth. Every day that we move forward towards the future, is a day that we cannot take back from our children and their children’s children. The resources that we have today are the resources that all of mankind will have in the future, they are not going to suddenly replenish. These resources of the future include our trash and what path we lay down for them to travel on.
The fear that we are not moving fast enough was validated when Sweden pledged this year that they would give up all fossil fuels by 2050. While I commend them for such a valiant effort in the fight against eliminating our dependency on our precious natural resources, it absolutely terrifies me that this goal is still 33 years away, and they are the leader for our modern industrialized countries.
This fear was only heightened by what I found to be one of the most impactful movies that I watched this year. Which happened to be Leonardo di Caprio’s latest documentary ‘Before the Flood.’ While this film was not filled with fact after fact (like so many other environmental awareness movies), I found the film brought to light so many issues that need refreshing (and when I say refreshing, I only mean this in the terms that these are issues we MUST talk about and take action NOW). If you haven't yet seen Before the Flood, do yourself a favor and take the hour and thirty six minutes to watch the movie and open your eyes on why we all need to become the change now.
Click Here to watch Before the Flood for Free
Despite all the tragedies of 2016, what keeps me moving forward in 2017 is the hope that we can still change the future. I know that for some (alright a huge majority of the population) fashion & beauty is not something they see making a ‘huge’ impact on helping to make a critical change in the future of the planet. So please let me remind all those who doubt that changing our everyday lifestyle will help, that the Fashion industry follows the oil industry, as the 2nd most negative industry in the WORLD.
So YES, choosing to live a green lifestyle by wearing vintage clothes or garments made out of recycled material, or pieces made from organic resources or even locally made pieces all make a HUGE difference in how we each individually will impact the earth for future generations and ourselves. Everyday we each have a choice on how we will impact the earth and it starts with the voice you create throughout every single day, as every time you shop or purchase something you are creating a demand for more of that item. If every individual stopped buying clothes made in sweat shops, then their would no longer be a sweatshops.
Start with what you wear.
What you put onto your skin.
With the way’s that you travel.
What you put into your body.
Mainly I want you to start everyday knowing that you can make a difference today. Let us all make a huge leap towards saving a world that we don’t want to admit is already starting to die. Please join me & Florum in committing to not just changing the clothing that we wear but to helping change the world. And together let us give breath back into this earth that has provided us all with so much.
Noelle Lynne