When thinking of a search engine, I automatically think of Google or Yahoo or if I am doing a throwback perhaps even AOL. The thought that a new search engine can arise is something I have never even thought of before (well at least not until today) because lets admit it, humans are creatures of habit. In fact my go to solution when I don't know something is to 'google it.'
If you look at the top right corner you can see how many trees I planted since discovering EcoSia as my new search engine!
I know what may of you are thinking 'This sounds too good to be true!' However I can assure that I have done my research and YES www.EcoSia.org is REAL, if you don't believe me check out their finacial records HERE
One of the best things about EcoSia is the goal to plant over 1 BILLION trees by 2020, as of April 29th, 2017 EcoSia is over 7 million trees and counting. Check out their current number by visiting EcoSia HERE.
So please spread the word, that something as simple as search on the internet can now help the environment and our future. Not to mention planting a tree (or thousands) for your own internet usage is a great way to offset your own carbon footprint.
Noelle Lynne